What is Daktronics?!
Daktronics is a leader in designing and manufacturing electronic scoreboards and large screen video displays.
If your stadium scoreboard or video display is controlled using Daktronics hardware, you might not want to operate the streaming scoreboard on your own.
Why risking data that is not in sync - why having just another guy operating the score bug?!
Our brand new Daktronics integration helps you to keep your score bug data in sync with your stadium scoreboard!
And all that without anyone operating Live Score!
Connect your All Sport CG
With the Daktronics All Sport CG it's possible to get your data feed directly into your Live Score computer!
The Daktronics All Sport CG hardware is the preferred way to receive your data and process it with 3rd party applications.
You can either connect it to your All Sport 3000, All Sport 5000 or any other All Sport 5500 scoreboard controller.
It's also possible to operate it manually right from your All Sport CG.
The data feed will then be sent to the serial output of your hardware and can be connected to your Live Score computer,
where it's used to update your score bug.

Keep selected data in sync
Decide which sport elements you want to get updated by the Daktronics data feed!
Some things can be done - and some shouldn't!
Each of the supported Live Score sports has it's own Daktronics configuration.
Activate or disable elements you want to be synced, or elements you don't want to be synced.
Maybe you need to operate things different, or you just try to learn how to control strikes, balls, downs or yards on your own - it's up
to you what you want Daktronics to do.
* Supported sports: baseball, football, soccer, multi-sport, basketball and hockey.
Your Live Score Sport
Support for 6 official Live Score sports.
We tried to get the most out of the Daktronics data feed - whether the selected sport is supported
by Daktronics or not!
While sports like baseball, football, hockey and soccer are officially integrated in the Daktronics
hardware, multi-sport cannot be found.
We tried to support it as good as possible by using similar sports like Volleyball as data feeds.
Read more in our userguide

The Daktronics Integration has not been made in cooperation with Daktronics.
Live Score only consumes the received data feed.
We do not adhere for any damages to your Daktronics products or any other involved products.